On the other hand, there are so many possibilities offered by VidMasta that you should go into your search with a pretty good idea of what you're looking for so that you don't just go through the list one by one. You can even activate the narrator option and have this information read out loud. When you open the file, you'll be able to read more about the genre, the synopsis, the director, writer, actors, and release date. Once you have a list of the results for the title you've typed in, you can pick the one you want to download. According to what you're looking for, you can pick any of the other tabs listed here. On the upper part of the screen, you'll see the tabs containing the most popular movies and TV shows downloaded by other users. These are three options that make the application a great choice.Īlthough VidMasta's interface may be a bit much to take in, it's actually pretty simple and intuitive. It also allows you to watch trailers before downloading content or watch part of the film or TV show directly, without having to download it completely. Please note that the unregistered version of VidMasta has limited playback capabilities.VidMasta is one of the most comprehensive tools you can find for downloading movies and other videos, not just because of its huge library but also because it offers tons of information regarding the TV show or movie you're about to watch. Allows you to download the subtitles to your downloaded movies. Displays popular TV shows and movies for you to browse through. Gives you the option of using an external downloader as opposed to the built in one if you’d like. Is able to display a quick link to the summary of each title as well as a trailer if you’d like. A variety of video qualities to choose from (1080 HD, 720 HD, DVD, etc.). Allows you to look up a variety of criteria at one time to ensure that you find exactly what you’re looking for (title, type, rating, release date, genre, etc.). A simple looking interface that’s relatively easy to navigate. And since so many different formats are available for viewing, you’ll be able to watch your favourite show or movie on any device you own. VidMasta is a super easy to use and reliable application that can help you do just that – All you need to do is plug in the name of the show or movie you’d like to watch, and the application finds it for you in almost no time at all. With cable and satellite companies practically charging an arm and a leg for basic service, it’s no wonder that many people are turning to the internet and downloads for watching their favourite televisions shows and movies.

VidMasta: Download and watch all of your favourite movies and TV shows with the help of this simple application